Friday, July 19, 2013

LOVE Like You Really Mean It: As How a Family Ought To Be

“But those who won't care for their relatives, especially those in their own household,
have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.
- Timothy 5: 8 -

This verse really hit me in the core! Who wants to be worse than an unbeliever? But the word of God is never and will never be in error. In reality, it’s easier to be kindhearted and pleasant beyond the walls of our house. Actually? Yes, it is true, when I am elsewhere and/or with people other than the immediate family, I am extra kind, more patience, more polite, more generous and the-whole-kit-and-caboodle. I plead guilty.

A trusted friend once told me, “The praise and applause of other people are useless if the person closest to you just don’t agree.”  I beg to disagree in my deepest thoughts. But, as I ponder on God’s Word, I realized how I actually deceive myself by believing that it doesn't matter what my family thinks of me as long as my friends and Church-mates consider me a good one. True enough that behind the walls of our house, I am easily angered even with tiny flaws; not that polite; not that kind; not that generous and the-whole-kit-and-caboodle. Again, I plead guilty.

Sadly, it is usually that way. And I pray for every passing day that the people closest to me would truly be able to say that I am a good family. Godspeed!

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